Lent/Easter Musicals

Where Love and Mercy Meet by Marty Parks

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: http://read.jwpepper.com/i/102198

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Page 70 of 85

09 All This and More (10) FINAL.mus, Page 2 73 Shelter to the homeless and purpose to the wanderer; reason to the meaningless and fruit to the barren. Yes, Jesus is all this, and more. Narrator 1: Food for the hungry, water for the thirsty; strength for the weary, hope for the hopeless and freedom for the bound. Narrator 2: A Counselor to the confused and a Comforter to the oppressed. Jesus … He's a Helper to the helpless and He's sight for the blind. Narrator 1: He defends the weak and rescues the abused. He restores the fallen and exalts the humble. Narrator 2: He delivers the captive, He forgives the sinner, … and He raises the dead! œ aœ œ # œ ‰ œj n . ? # nw œ œ Narrator 2: "Mercy to..." nl .. ‰ j œ œ F ‰ œ œ J œ œ O & œ # œ ew 10 y Narrator 2: œ œ .. .. 47 # œ œ œ œ œ w w ?# w # œ œ Fo 17 & ?# 21 & P œ. œ œ ∑ # w Narrator 2: "Shelter to..." œ œ w œ œ œ œ# w œ œ w w p w w w w Narrator 1: "Food for the..." œ. œ J œ œ ∑ ∑ # ?# œ œ w w re & rP 13 vi Narrator 1: "Jesus – He..." œ œ œ J ∑ w w w w 48 Narrator 2: "A Counselor..." œ œ œ œ #w w w w

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