2013 J.W. Pepper Christmas musicals

The Night Shift Before Christmas

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: http://read.jwpepper.com/i/131540

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Page 57 of 71

earth. God, for Œ œ care, And 83 &b ˙ Je &b œ live 86 &b œ shown œ. fit - œ His œ shown 89 His Œ Œ through œ - en for us, œ œ œ God, for us, ˙ through Je œ œ œ ˙ through Je & b ˙. rit. ∑ & b ˙. rit. ∑ to œ love, love, love, œ œ God, œ œ œ heav there. œ œ shown His for birth. Thee œ œ ˙ œ œ has ˙ sus' œ œ j œ œ us œ with œ us, Fo rP &b œ œ œ re vi &b œ œ œ nl y Œ O &b ˙ ew 80 - œ ˙. sus' birth. ˙. sus' has œ has œ - œ birth. U ∑ U ∑

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