New Christmas Musicals

11312286 - Behind the Manger Scenes

Christmas Musicals for Church

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65 We must continue to follow that star! We have come so far. We can't stop now! Our studies show that the King of the Jews will be born and that star will guide us. Our journey has brought us to this place. We have finally reached where the star stopped! We're in the right place! This seems like a strange place for a King – but the light has led us to this place. Let's go and finally see! (Enter the "stable" and bow down) We have come to worship Him. I present to Him gold… And Frankincense… And Myrrh… Rejoice! For He is the King of the Jews! WISE MAN 1: WISE MAN 2: WISE MAN 3: WISE MAN 1: WISE MAN 2: WISE MAN 3: WISE MAN 2: WISE MAN 1: WISE MAN 2: WISE MAN 3: WISE MAN 1: ALL THREE: ]18 We Three Kings

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