New Christmas Musicals

11397586 - The Gift

Christmas Musicals for Church

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& ? 4 4 4 4 Œ œ Slowly, freely (q= ca. 80) p 1 34 ∑ œ œ œ œ ∑ œ œ œ œ ∑ . ˙ œ & ? 4 ∑ œ œ œ œ ∑ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ ˙ J œ ‰ œ mel. ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ & ? 8 6 8 6 8 œ ˙ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ # . œ ‰ ˙ J œ ‰ œ œ n . ˙ œ œ œ œ Œ 3 ‰ ‰ j œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ rit. mel. & ? 8 6 8 6 12 œ j œ œ j œ . . ˙ ˙ Buoyantly, steadily (qk= ca. 88) P œ j œ j œ ‰ j œ . . ˙ ˙ œ j œ œ j œ . . ˙ ˙ œ J œ J œ ‰ J œ ∑ 4 JMG1169 Prepare, Prepare the Way of the Lord! © Copyright 2022 CandelaWorks Music (ASCAP), a division of Jubilate Music Group, LLC. P.O. Box 3607, Brentwood, TN 37024. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. Arranged by LLOYD LARSON Tunes: VENI EMMANUEL, Plainsong, adapt. THOMAS HELMORE, 1854; I SAW THREE SHIPS, Traditional English Carol Words by LLOYD LARSON based on Isaiah 40:3 and Psalm 30:5, and Latin Hymn, 12th c.; tr. JOHN M. NEALE, 1851 The copying of this music is prohibited by law and is not covered by CCLI or Narrator 1: For hundreds of years Israel – God's chosen people – languished in bondage and darkness yearning for a new day when their Creator would send a Messiah to deliver them from their misery. Narrator 2: As all people are wont to do, the children of Israel repeatedly chose their own path for living, abandoning the invitation of their God to be united in a life of devotion and praise. Such choices prolonged their night of anguish as they longed for a better day. Narrator 1: But in God's perfect timing, a messenger was sent proclaiming words of hope:

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