New Christmas Musicals

11393946 - Christmas Classique

Christmas Musicals for Church

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72 CHRISTMAS CLASSIQUE - SATB THE PROMISE OF PEACE "He Shall Feed His Flock" THE INCARNATION "An Etude Carol" THE PROCLAMATION "Christ Is Born" THE ADORATION "Adoramus Te" THE CELEBRATION "Christmas Jubilate" Out of you, Bethlehem, comes a ruler to shepherd the people. Like lost sheep they have strayed and wandered away. The shepherd looks for each one, calling them by name, and when the sheep hear His voice, they know Him. He gathers the lambs in His arms, holding them close to His heart. The good Shepherd leads the flock to safety and feeds them, and no one can take them from His hand. A Child is born for us; a Son is given to us. Christ comes dow n to earth from heaven, clothed in human flesh, to live among us. This is love: God loves us and sends His Son to us. In the middle of the night, in the darkness of a stable, the Light of the world lies sleeping. Love has come and He is here. In the stillness surrounding Bethlehem, there is a sound like thunder, the wings of countless angels descending from heaven. Music fills the air as the angels sing, "Gloria! Christ is born! Hurry to Bethlehem and find Him!" As the shepherds look in wonder, they see the face of God in the face of a Child—the same God who spoke light into being at the dawn of creation. Arise, shine, for your Light has come and the glory of the Lord shines upon you! Into darkness, the Light is born. The One worshipped by shepherds and kings has come into the world. He is the Gift that surpasses all gifts, the Hope that kindles every hope, the Love above all loves, and the Peace beyond all peace. Lord, we adore You. Lord, we thank You. Lord, we glorify and praise You. Jesus says, "I have come as a light into the world. Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness." Let us sing and rejoice! Share the good tidings of great joy: Christ is born in us this day! The Light of the world shines on in the darkness, and nothing can put it out.

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