Lent/Easter Musicals

Mercy Came Running

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: http://read.jwpepper.com/i/224790

Contents of this Issue


Page 41 of 136

44 All Things Beautiful P j ‰ jœ œ œ œ. wœ œ œ ˙ *Narration begins œ œ j jœ œ œ œ. ‰ œ w œ. G ‰ œj œ w œ œ. J œ œ œ j œ O nl ? b4 Ó b 4 ˙. F6 A y Flowing q = ca. 100 N.C. Bb2 b &b 4 œ œ 4 CD: 16 Words and Music by CLIFF DUREN, DAVE CLARK and DON KOCH Arr. by Cliff Duren Eb2 ie w *NARRATOR 2: For Peter, the triumph of Jesus' resurrection is overshadowed by the guilt of his denial, and in defeat he & bb Bb M7 F œ œ ? b ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ b w rP ˙. Fo 4 re v him breakfast, Jesus asks Peter the same question three times, "Do you love me?" 7 b & b œ. ‰ j ˙. ? bb w œ C m7 j œ œ Eb2 ˙. œ œ ˙ ‰ jœ œ œ œ œ w œ œ œ œ œ ˙ .. ˙ w w œ œ œ œ œ ‰ jœ œ ˙ w œ Bb2 ˙. j ‰ œj œ œ œ œ . w œ œ © 2013 PsalmSinger Music (BMI)/Pilot Point Music (ASCAP)/ Pleasant Lake Music (ASCAP) (All admin. by Music Services)/ Carson City Music (BMI). All rights reserved. PLEASE NOTE: The copying of this music is prohibited by law and is not covered by CCLI or OneLicense.net.

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