New Christmas Musicals

The Christmas Story by Tom Fettke and Thomas Grassi

Christmas Musicals for Church

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65/2058&60L-83 Spanish Pronunciation Guide 7. A Spanish Carol Suite Pastores á Belén and Adorar al Niño Pastores á Belén A-lli nos es -pe-ra Je-sús. ah-yee nohs ehs-peh-rah heh-soos. Adorar al Niño En la no -che los pas-to-res a sus o-ve-ji-tas ve-lan; ehn lah noh-cheh lohs pahs-toh-rehs ah soos oh-veh-hee-tahs veh-lahn; án-ge-les del cie-lo a-la-ban, see-eh-loh-ah-lah-bahn, án-ge-les del cie-lo can-tan. ahn-heh-lehs dehl ahn-heh-lehs dehl see-eh-loh kahn-tahn. Pas-tor-ci-tos, id, pas-tor-ci-tos, ya. pahs-tohr-see-tohs, eed, pahs-tohr-see-tohs, yah. A-do-rar al Ni-ño que en Be-lén es-tá. ah-doh-rahr ahl nee-nyoh, keh-ehn beh-lehn ehs-tah. Del o-rien-te, u-nos ma-gos si-guen la bril-lan-te es-trel-la; dehl oh-ree-ehn-teh oo-nohs mah-gohs see-gwehn lah bree-yahn-teh-ehs-treh-yah; quie-ren of-re-cer re-gal-os, tra-en muy val-io-sos do-nes. kee-eh-rehn awf-reh-sehr reh-gahl-ohs, trah-ehn moo-ee vahl-ee-oh-sohs doh-nehs, Ma-gos, hoy ven-id; ma-gos hoy lle-gad. mah-gohs, oh-ee vehn-eed; mah-gohs oh-ee yeh-gahd. Con a-le-gre re-ve-ren-cia en la bel-la no-che bue-na, kohn ah-leh-greh reh-veh-rehn-see-ah ehn lah beh-yah noh-cheh boo-eh-nah, los Cris-tia-nos hoy a-la-ban, los Cris-tia-nos to-dos can-tan: lohs krees-tee-ah-nohs oh-ee ah-lah-bahn, lohs krees-tee-ah-nohs toh-dohs kahn-tahn: Pue-blos, hoy ve-nid, pue-blos, hoy lle-gad. poo-eh-blohs, oh-ee veh-need, poo-eh-blohs, oh-ee yeh-gahd. Notes About Pronunciation 1. "r" is always rolled. 2. When elisions occur, two syllables are sung on one note. For Preview Only

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