New Christmas Musicals

Let There Be Christmas

Christmas Musicals for Church

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& b 4 4 œ (Cong.) (Cong.) (Choir) (Cong.) 4. 3. 2. 1. For How O O œ œ œ œ Christ lit - si - ho - is lent - ly tle town born ly, Child of of how of œ œ œ œ œ œ Beth - Ma - si - Beth - le - lent - le - hem, ry, ly, hem, how and the de - & b œ œ œ œ œ still gath - won - scend we ered drous on see all Gift us a - is we thee ˙ Œ œ pray. giv'n. bove, lie! while So Cast A - œ œ œ œ bove mor - God out thy tals im - our deep sleep, parts sin; and the to and & b œ œ œ œ œ œ dream - an - hu - en - less gels man ter sleep, keep hearts in; the their the be œ œ œ œ œ si - watch bless - born lent of ings in stars won - of us go d'ring His to - ˙ Œ œ œ by. love. heav'n. day. Yet O No We & b . œ J œ œ œ œ œ in morn - ear hear thy ing may the dark stars hear Christ - streets to - His mas œ œ œ œ œ œ shin - geth - com - an - eth er, ing, gels, the pro - but the œ œ œ œ ev - claim in great er - the this glad last - ho - world ti - ing ly of dings & b ˙ Œ œ birth; sin, tell. Light. The and where O œ œ œ œ hopes prais - meek come and es souls to fears sing will us; to of re - a - œ œ œ œ œ œ all God ceive bide the the Him, with years King, still us, are and the our & b œ œ œ œ œ met peace dear Lord, in to Christ Em - all thee en - man - ters u - to - the . ˙ in. night. el. earth! 97 LET THERE BE CHRISTMAS - SATB O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM Tune: FOREST GREEN Traditional English Melody Arranged by JOSEPH M. MARTIN (BMI) Copyright © 2015 by HAL LEONARD – MILWIN MUSIC CORP. International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Reproduced by Permission of the Publisher Words: PHILLIPS BROOKS (1835-1893) CONGREGATION The publisher hereby grants permission to reprint the material within the box for the purpose of making performance of this cantata possible with congregational participation, provided that a sufficient quantity of copies of the entire cantata has been purchased for performance by the choir and accompanist. The music must be reproduced with the title and all credits including the copyright notice. For Preview Only

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