New Christmas Musicals - celena

Celebration file test

Christmas Musicals for Church

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Words by CHARLES WESLEY (1707-1788) & b 4 CONGREGATION unison 2. 1. Hark! 4 œ Hail, & b œ new - righ - & b œ & b œ œ born teous - œ the the œ œ King. ness! œ. God ris'n and with œ sin - heal - œ ners ing œ j her - œ. heav'n - Œ HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING Tune: MENDELSSOHN by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) Arranged by JOSEPH M. MARTIN (BMI) ald born œ j Peace Light œ re - in œ œ œ an - œ Prince œ gels of on œ and con - His œ œ œ sing, Peace! earth, life œ. ciled!" wings. œ œ Œ and to œ j œ mer - all œ œ œ "Glo - Hail, œ ry the œ cy He œ œ. to Son œ mild. brings, For Preview Only œ Joy - Mild na - glo - & b œ With born & b œ. tions ry œ œ th'an - to raise Hark! the her - ald J œ œ rise. by, œ gel - ic the œ œ hosts sons œ Join born œ pro- of œ the that œ Œ claim, earth, œ Œ an - gels sing, tri - man œ "Christ born œ umph no œ œ œ . œ is to born give œ œ . œ œ of more in œ them "Glo - ry to - the œ j Copyright © 2012 by HAL LEONARD - MILWIN MUSIC CORP. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced by Permission of the Publisher j ful, He œ the may Beth - sec - œ new-born King." œ ˙ all lays œ skies. die, œ le - ond œ œ hem!" birth. Œ ye œ His œ œ the of J œ

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