New Christmas Musicals

Peace Has Come by Mary McDonald

Christmas Musicals for Church

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30 46521 VOICE ONE: VOICE TWO: VOICE ONE: VOICE TWO: VOICE ONE: VOICE TWO: VOICE ONE: (Music begins) Things weren't easy at first for Mary when she told Joseph of the angel's words to her. Joseph was puzzled and upset. All of his future dreams of a life with Mary were instantly shattered due to customs of the time. An announcement of joy became a source of hurt and confusion. But as always, God was in complete control and would use the confusion and hurt to pave the way to a triumphant fulfillment of His plan. By trusting God, Mary and Joseph moved ahead through the pain. When Caesar's tax decree had been declared, they soon made their way to Bethlehem. The road was crowded with many families, each on the way to an ancestral city. It was almost time for Mary to deliver her Child. But you, Bethlehem, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me One who will be ruler over Israel. The road was long and dirty, but when Mary and Joseph finally saw the lights of Bethlehem, they rejoiced at the sight of the small town. For Preview Only

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