Lent/Easter Musicals

The Prodigal Clown by Cyndi Nine, Rob Howard and David Guthrie

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: http://read.jwpepper.com/i/95211

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Page 12 of 68

13 64 & bbb 66 & bbb 68 & bbb 72 n˙ come n˙ things ˙ big & bbb ‰ 74 Come on, œ œœ œ-- œ j ev 'ry one, œ . show take œ . œ . that J œ ˙ a - waits yourœ j nœ a j - #˙plac maze˙ ˙ us! you won't be lieve œ œ œ - œ & bbb ‰ œœ œ œœ œ--œœ œ Ó j the thrill ing stunts 76 & bbb ‰ 78 & bbb Œ 80 & bbb Œ There's noth ing like it, œ œ Be a mazed œ œ œ when the cir - j œ œ œ it's the œ œ you're a - --œ ‰ œ œ cusœ j comesœ at the fly ing trap eze, œ œ œ œ big gest show œ to town. œ œ œ œœ œ-- - Ó œœ œa round; j Ó j bout to see. Ó t 5 48 - #œes. nœus, 2 ‰ Seeœ theœ j For Preview Only

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