Lent/Easter Musicals

The Prodigal Clown by Cyndi Nine, Rob Howard and David Guthrie

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: http://read.jwpepper.com/i/95211

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Page 55 of 68

56 16 & œ 18 œ œ œ give ness o & œmer cy that - 20 & Œ We all œ œ œ œ œ . -- - ver flow ing,œ . œ em brac œ needœ . -- œes œ œa j œ - fullœ . likeœ . t faœ œ œther. 3477 - ˙ . SCRIPTURE: "At one time you were dead in your sins . . . But God gave you new life together with Christ. He forgave us all of our sins." (Colossians 2:13) "So you aren't slaves any longer. You are God's children. Because you are his children, he gives you what he promised to give his people." (Galatians 4:7) "Jesus said, 'I give them eternal life, and they will never die. No one can steal them out of my hand.'" (John 10:28) 22 & 29t ∑ & 31 3578 & ## Ó Je sus; - œ œ œ œ Œ‰. œa r œ œ (mel.) Sav ior sent - --œ . œ œ œ œ œ .. œ to re scue andœ . œ œ œ œ œœ reœœ 7 ‰ KIDS #œWe all œ F œ needœ ## ofœ love,˙ Œ‰. œa hug.˙ Ó andœ r For Preview Only

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