J.W. Pepper Catalogs


J.W. Pepper Music Catalog

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1012673

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Page 3 of 187

CUT TIME IS IMPRESSIVE. VERY IMPRESSIVE. R A Service of J.W. Pepper Cut Time is a web-based group management platform where you can organize everything and everyone involved with your music program using a set of intuitive, easy-to-use tools. p: info@cuttime.net | e: 1.800.310.0087 • Keep track of all of your members, their parents, groups & ensembles, volunteers, and donors • Email and text news and information to the precise people in your organization who need it • Create and share events that are integrated with Google Maps • Track and manage your members' financial obligations • Catalog and monitor all of your inventory as well as your entire music library " " Gerald L. Chafin, Ph.D., Lindsey Wilson College YOUR MUSIC PROGRAM, WHEREVER YOU GO, WHENEVER YOU NEED IT. NEED HELP IMPORTING YOUR DATA? Contact a Cut Time Consultant and ask about our free concierge service! START YOUR NO-OBLIGATION FREE TRIAL CUTTIME.NET KEY FEATURES "We made the switch – Cut Time made a seamless transition by importing our data and making it effortless to register our new Freshmen. The veteran parents are even excited about the streamlined process. Cut Time is very responsive to our feedback and roll out useful updates frequently!" – Chad Kohler and Todd McCready – Directors, Fishers High School Bands, IN 2

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