Lent/Easter Musicals

The Body of Christ

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1040522

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2 55/1197&98L-2 Foreword e Body of Christ is an expression and theme that can represent many things throughout scripture. ere is the literal, physical body of Jesus – the feet that walked the earth, the hands that touched and healed, the voice that spoke the Word of God, and the head that bore a crown of thorns as Jesus was sacrificed. is body was the sacrifice that stood in intercession on our behalf so that we may be free from sin. ere is also e Body of Christ that was explained by Jesus to the disciples in the upper room before he was led to be executed. is body is represented by the bread and wine, His body and His blood poured as a reminder of His sacrifice. Finally, there is e Body of Christ that manifests in the church. As Jesus sacrificed His own physical body, His truth and mission was passed along to those who follow him. e Body of Christ was then made manifest in the church. Jesus' feet that once walked the earth, His hands that once healed the sick, and His voice that proclaimed the Gospel have been multiplied in those who follow Him. In this work, Pepper Choplin beautifully weaves these themes together in this musical telling of Christ's final days. From the worshipful opener, We Behold His Glory, to the meditative and stunningly powerful path to the cross, O Sacred Journey, the importance of Christ's body remains the center point of this work. e final number, We Are the Body of Christ, is a final benediction that can be presented immediately following the preceding number, or aer closing remarks from a speaker. We pray that this work touches your choir and congregation while helping each of you to experience and connect with the very real power that is demonstrated by these events. "For Christ is our head and though we are many, His Spirit will make us one… Go now as the body of Christ." —e Publisher For Preview Only

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