ABEL: Okay.
GASPAR: Then, as is our custom, we'll present our gifts to the King. We've
brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.
MELCHIOR: I think this King will like them and will hopefully show us favor in
the future.
ABEL: (pointing up) The star is moving again! (looking up) Now it seems to
be stopping over that one house.
GASPAR: When we fi nd the King, should we go back and report to Herod?
TIRZAH: Um… I don't know. He seemed shady.
BALTHAZAR: I thought so, too.
(MARY and JOSEPH come out, along with toddler baby Jesus.)
+13 ]60 (Music begins for "King of the World")
ESTELLE: The Wise Men eventually decided to go home another way… and
avoid seeing Herod.
They traveled on and on and came to the place where the star
had stopped. On coming to the house, they saw the Child with his
mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him.
(Music continues as the WISE MEN process onto stage, gather round and kneel
before Jesus.)
Song: King of the World