New Christmas Musicals

Always A King

Christmas Musicals for Church

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LifeWay Worship is thrilled to introduce Always a KIng, a vibrant multigenerational Christmas celebration for your choirs, worship team, worship band, and congregation! This power-packed service of praise and worship involves people of all ages in telling the story of the birth of Jesus Christ through Scripture, fresh arrangements of best-loved carols, incredible new congregational worship songs, and soon-to-be-favorite anthems. Created and arranged by John Bolin, Minister of Worship and Arts at Houston's First Baptist Church, and Dove Award-winning songwriter/producer, Don Koch, each song has been crafted so that multigenerational choirs, soloists, and worship teams can together lead your seasonal worship gathering. Children's and student choir arrangements are simple and easy to learn. Adult choir arrangements are accessible, straight-ahead SATB. In addition, there is the option of using full orchestration, written by Cliff Duren. There is nothing quite like the power of bringing all generations together to tell the wonderful story of Christmas. Make your celebration the most it can be this year as you share this incredible multigenerational musical with your community! always a king what a savior, what a love includes Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come; Hark! the Herald Angels Sing; and Angels, from the Realms of Glory Our hope Forevermore heaven's all-Gracious King includes It Came upon the Midnight Clear; Away in a Manger; and O Come, O Come, Emmanuel awaken the wonder the Full christmas story (Scripture Reading Underscore) Oh Praise (the Only One) with O Praise the Name (Anástasis) always a King (reprise) For Preview Only

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