Christmas Musicals for Church
Issue link: FOR PREVIEW ONLY 17 656170-17 CAROL: Did you know this place doesn't show up on the map? I couldn't fi nd information about it anywhere. ANGELA: Oh, I know. We just kinda show up when you need us most. ALL SWANSONS: (confused) (Huh? What? That's weird.) ANGELA: Tell you what, let me introduce you to our staff , and we'll get you settled in a room. (ANGELA rings a bell and MICHAEL, GABRIEL, and GLORIA enter the scene.) ANGELA: This is Mike, our hotel manager; Gabe is our groundskeeper, and Gloria is in charge of housekeeping. MICHAEL and GABRIEL: Hello! GLORIA: (very demonstrative, in a singing voice) Hellooo, and welcome to our very fi ne establishment. CAROL: Why thank you! What a lovely voice you have. JOEY: Hey, I have a question. With a name like Hotel Noel, don't you think this place would be all decked out for Christmas? I don't see a single decoration. MARIA: Yeah, no lights, no Christmas tree, no presents. What's that all about? MICHAEL: Well, you see, kids, here at Hotel Noel, we do Christmas a little bit diff erently. GABRIEL: It might not look like it, but Christmas is a really big deal here. JOEY: Boy, you sure can't tell by the way it looks. CAROL: Joey, don't be rude. GLORIA: Oh, it's okay. We're used to that kind of reaction to our little hotel. I tell you what, Gabe and Mike will take your suitcases to your room, and I'll get some hot cocoa ready for you. In the meantime, just sit here and Angela will tell you all about Hotel Noel! (GABRIEL and MICHAEL take suitcases off stage left and GLORIA goes off stage to get cups of cocoa. The family sits down as song begins. Staff comes back on scene during song. GLORIA hands cups of cocoa to family.) +3 [9 Song: Welcome to Hotel Noel Hotel Noel