J.W. Pepper Catalogs

2020-21 Orchestra Catalog

J.W. Pepper Music Catalog

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1273124

Contents of this Issue


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On behalf of the entire Pepper team, I want to share our heartfelt appreciation for you. Yes, for the work you do as a director, teacher and musician, but most importantly for throwing yourself into the fray every day to bring music to people. We have seen so clearly this year how people yearn for making music together. Thank you for making that happen. Please know we are here for you, to assist you with finding the right materials for your program. Yes, you expect us to have the music you need, but we also carry equipment, furniture, pro audio items and accessories too. It's our hope we can supply you with the best quality items and make that process easy for you. We are not some big, impersonal company. We have real people around the country backing up every order, every conversation, with the single goal of helping you. We've all seen this year how much it matters that we take care of each other. I want you to know that level of care is infused throughout our organization, in all our people. It's who they are. We're here for you to support you now and throughout your career bringing music to your community. That's the Pepper Guarantee. Respectfully, Glenn Burtch President & CEO J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc.

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