2013 J.W. Pepper Christmas musicals

Appalachian Winter

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/131534

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y 14 nl NARRATION: O This is a season for music and singing. ew How right it is to raise our voices in worship and praise, for it was into the silence that God spoke to us His Word of Life. vi How fitting that, in winter's deepening darkness, we light a candle and gaze upon its golden grace, for it was into the shadows that God sent His Son. rP re How beautiful it is when we gather as one community of faith to share the timeless story that transformed the world with light. Fo Yes, it is only right that we sing and be joyful. For this is the season of wonders and a time for remembering we are people of hope, peace, love and joy. APPALACHIAN WINTER - SATB

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