p: 1.800.345.6296 / jwpepper.com/accessories / orders@jwpepper.com
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Repair Kits
Valentino Combo Repair Kit
Page 58
Video Recording
Q8 Handy Video Recorder
Page 63
Audio Recording
H8 Handy Recorder
Page 63
Budget planning is simple when you shop Pepper.
We help you build a list of what you want and
send you an itemized quote with the exact prices.
We can easily turn your quote into an order when
you're ready for it to be processed.
Since 1876 our goal has been to deliver the music you
need, fast. Sometimes, knowing what you need can
be complicated, and keeping music you can't use is
expensive. That's why, when you need to make a return,
we make it easy. No hassles or time limits, and always
full credit. Satisfaction guaranteed.
J W P E P P E R . C O M / G U A R A N T E E
Monday - Friday 9AM to 6PM ET
1.800.345.6296 • orders@jwpepper.com
Order by 5 PM and it ships today!*
Need help? We're here.
*In-stock orders received by our warehouse by 5 PM (Mon-Fri).
Your work
This is the starting point for putting this catalog together for you.
Actually, it's the starting point for all that we do here at Pepper.
Our Accessories & Pro Audio offerings are constantly expanding as
we strive to give you more of what you need. Our goal is to equip
the director, student, and musician with the tools and supplies needed
for success.
Whether you need a quote for larger items like risers, podiums, and
carts, or those "little things" that help with music-making every day, we
are honored to assist you in all that you do to create a vibrant music
community. If you need something, let us know. We'll be here to help.
That's our promise.