New Christmas Musicals

11213636 - Majesty

Christmas Musicals for Church

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Suggested congregational songs with a common theme are available at A King Like This Angels We Have Heard on High Come and Behold Him Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery Crown Him (Majesty) God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen Joy to the World! Joy to the World! (Unspeakable Joy) King of Kings Majesty O Come, All Ye Faithful Shout to the Lord Silent Night, Holy Night Sing Him Gloria ORCHESTRATION: Instrumentation may vary from song to song. INSTRUMENTATION: Flute 1-2, Oboe, Clarinet 1-2, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, F Horn 1-2, Trumpet 1-2, Trumpet 3, Trombone 1-2, Trombone 3, Tuba, Timpani, Percussion 1-2, Harp, Rhythm, Lead Sheets, Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello, Double Bass SUBSTITUTE PARTS: Soprano Sax (substitute for Trumpet 3), Alto Sax 1-2 (substitute for F Horn 1-2), Tenor Sax/Baritone Treble Clef (substitute for Trombone 1-2), Baritone Sax (substitute for Tuba), Keyboard String Reduction RHYTHM PARTS: The rhythm parts in this product are designed to provide satisfying accompaniment throughout. However, keyboard players may find it helpful to reference certain passages in the choral score to supply the most supportive accompaniment. FOR PREVIEW ONLY Copying Prohibited

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