Lent/Easter Musicals

11377814 - Worship The King

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1432364

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lifeway.com/worship 8 4015451374 8 005832112 Worship the King Opener / My Worth Is Not in What I Own / Ten Thousand Angels Communion Medley / Worship the King Finale Lifeway Worship proudly presents Worship the King, an Easter musical of worship and reverence for smaller church choirs! This premium-quality publication, from the most-trusted You Can! series of choral resources, is composed of unison/2-part choral arrangements that are easy to learn and fun to sing. Bow your heart under the shadow of the sacrificial cross of Jesus Christ as you share this unforgettable worship service with your family and friends. Featuring power-packed congregational sing-along medleys, heartwarming anthems, and inspiring narration, this twenty-three-minute Easter musical was created by Dove Award-winning arranger/producer Craig Adams. Each song has been uniquely arranged for choirs with size and/or time limitations. This combination of treasured hymns; classic songs; and new, soon-to-be favorites is complemented by fully orchestrated accompaniment tracks. Adding to the poignancy of the work is the designated moment for your congregation to share in the Lord's Supper. Lift the name of Jesus to the highest place as you share this heartfelt music with one another! SONGS INCLUDED WORSHIP THE KING

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