2013 J.W. Pepper Christmas musicals

The Jesus Gift

Christmas Musicals for Church

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111 narration, forming a frozen tableau. During this narration, the tableau would be the Annunciation, featuring Mary alone or Mary and the angel Gabriel. A second option is to allow the characters to briefly speak. This is easily accomplished by reconfiguring the narration as narrated dialogue: Narrator: Gabriel: Mary: Narrator: Mary: God calmed Mary's troubled spirit through the words of a radiant messenger. Do not be afraid, Mary. You have found favor with God. You will give birth to a Son and give Him the name Jesus. May it be to me as you have said. And she rejoiced. My soul magnifies the Lord. · The Magnificat (My Soul Magnifies the Lord) This beautiful worship song may be performed as a choral number or with an optional solo. If you elect to perform the solo, you can either suggest that the character of Mary is performing the song herself, or you can have the solo sung by a singer from the choir as the character of Mary reacts. · Narration The story now moves to the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. If you are enacting the various Biblical scenes, it would be best to redirect the audience's attention during this narration by lighting up several shepherds out in the aisle of the auditorium. The narrator can also reposition herself in the audience area as well. This would allow Mary to slowly move to the stable area where she will be joined by Joseph. · Light of the Stable This celebrative song will accompany the shepherds' response to the angels' announcement and their journey to the stable. Your decision to include live angels will depend upon the size of your sanctuary and your technical capabilities. The shepherds can also simply react to intense light. Pace the shepherds' movement so that they arrive at the manger by the final chorus of the song. · Treasure Underscore and Narration As the shepherds kneel in worship at the manger, the audience's attention should shift to the three Magi. You can place the Magi on the area of the platform opposite the manger, or out in the aisle, or at the back of the auditorium. (This will be determined by the size of your sanctuary; their procession should be timed to coincide with the length of the song "The Treasure.") · The Treasure This powerful song will provide you with a well-paced procession for the three Magi. Each stanza can accompany one of the Magi's approach to the manger. As they each kneel, have them place their gift prominently before the manger. This will create a strong visual picture of the central "gift" theme of the musical. The song is arranged for an optional trio on the chorus and an alto solo.

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