2013 J.W. Pepper Christmas musicals

Sing a Song of Christmas

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/143972

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Page 57 of 76

58 NARRATION: During this miraculous time God placed a beautiful star in the heavens as a sacred sign. Bethlehem was bathed in heaven's glory, and many saw this dazzling light and wondered. In the east, stargazers were amazed at the sight. These Magi were drawn to follow this celestial sign in search of divine truth. For many months they travelled until they found Jesus, the Bright and Morning Star. As a sign of devotion and praise, they gave Him precious gifts and then worshiped Him. From Bethlehem to the far corners of the earth, God's light was beginning to shine with hope and grace. SING A SONG OF CHRISTMAS - SA(T)B

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