2013 J.W. Pepper Christmas musicals

The Incredible, Gigantic, Humongous Veggietales Christmas Show

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/144030

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Page 29 of 64

Final 29 NARRATOR: (on stage) (laughing and out of breath) Well, I see we all have some great ideas about what we need to put in our Incredible, Gigantic, Humongous Christmas Show. But, we didn't even get to the BEST part of Christmas, yet. KIDS: (all together) The BEST part of Christmas?!! NARRATOR: Yes! Jesus! (DVD on) (DVD comes up while lights go down on stage. Children turn and watch the video, while Junior Asparagus quotes the Christmas story.) (DVD off) ADULT NARRATOR:I think Jr. 'gets' the BEST part of Christmas. Our gigantic humongous Christmas show isn't anything without the most important Gift of all! We need an extra special scene for our finale! What do you say, kids? KIDS: Yes! Yea! A scene for Baby Jesus! (etc.) (DVD on) (music begins to"The Friendly Beasts") 05 The Friendly Beasts.indd 1 (As the Adult Narrator or other adults bring in props for the Nativity Scene, e.g. manger, hay, stable structure, etc., the children assemble in "choir" formation and the nativity characters take their places, and all sing as individual children play the parts of the different animals, dressed in costumes for "The Friendly Beasts.") 3/27/13 10:01 AM

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