Christmas Musicals for Church
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Words from the Composer Certainly, John 3:16 is a profound statement of what we believe and who we are as Chris- tians. As we tell the Passion story, God's love is demonstrated through every step. Here are some brief remarks about each piece. Four of them may serve as your Sunday anthems as you prepare the cantata. I've placed an asterisk beside those appropriate to use through- out the year. *God So Loved - A ballad that sets off the phrase "God so loved" to give it space and emphasis. The light contemporary rhythm and melody brings an intimacy to the scrip- ture. Hosanna, God Save Us - This is both a celebration and a plea for God to come and rescue us. Now you have your Palm Sunday piece! *By the Way You Love - Through my years of ministry, I've often remembered these words spoken in the upper room. No matter what we try to do as a church, the world will know we are disciples of Christ "by the way we love." Is It I? - The echoes of the chorus create the effect of disciples' voices around the table. We join their voices as we remember the times we fall short of our faith in Christ. *Remember I Am There - At our premiere, many were moved by this song's message. Sometimes, the most powerful thing we can remember is that Christ is always with us, even "when He seems so far away." They Came to Arrest Him - I found this idea in my files. I wrote it soon after I saw the musical, Hamilton. Three weeks before our presentation, I tried the idea by writing words on the board and having the choir sing the rhythms back to me. The "one note melody" makes it easy to learn and helps dramatize the tension of Christ's arrest. What Wondrous Love of the Cross - The music leads us through the story of the cross, from the trial to his last breath. The choir frames and reflects upon the scripture through the familiar hymn. *Behold the Lord of Love - As I thought of a way to end, I remembered the "Lord of Love" verse from the hymn, "Crown Him with Many Crowns." This piece is a celebration of Christ's love that is appropriate before, during or after Easter. In the final section, the congregation joins the celebration. I want to thank the Chancel Choir of Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. For several weeks, a new piece was waiting for them each time they came to choir. Throughout the process, they helped me smooth out the traps and bumps to make it naturally singable. Every note has been crafted to help you prepare and sing the work with beauty and confidence. Thank you for singing my music! Send me a note and let me know how it goes! – Pepper Choplin