J.W. Pepper Catalogs

2023-24 Fall General Music Catalog

J.W. Pepper Music Catalog

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1504288

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PLANNING & PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES ELEMENTARY PLANNING & CLASSROOM PREP Order Toll Free! Call 1.800.345.6296 / w: jwpepper.com / e: [email protected] Go to cart 99 Planning & Professional Resources Feierabend Fundamentals (History, Philosophy, and Practice)—ed. John Feierabend & Missy Strong. The first comprehensive look at all aspects of John M. Feierabend's innovative and popular approach to teaching music, written by a team of practitioners from early childhood to college and beyond. Topics include elementary general music, instrumental and choral music, assessment, children with special needs, establishing a First Steps business, and a comparison of the major music education methodologies. 10949836 Hardcover Book . . . . . . . . .39.95 High Needs, Monumental Successes (Teaching Music to Low-Income and Underserved Students)—Donald Stinson. Every student deserves an excellent teacher, a fair chance at success, and the opportunity to participate in a school music program. This resource addresses the importance of teaching music to low-income and high-needs students. The author presents clear strategies and ideas for teaching, supporting, and advocating for these students. This book covers attendance, classroom expectations, grading policies, mental health and social-emotional skills, motivation, programming, time management, securing funds, and more. Especially helpful are the example scenarios and questions for teachers scattered throughout the book as well as sample responses for each. With the best interests of students at its core, this equips teachers with the tools they need to better serve all members of their music programs. 11373364 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.95 Kaleidoscope (A Collection of Standards- Based Lessons for the K-8 General Music Classroom)—ed. Denese Odegaard. Alfred Music and NAfME have teamed up to create this impressive manual of model lessons by master music teachers from around the country. Each of the 28 creative plans is aligned to the national standards and designed for success. Includes step-by-step procedures, assessment tools, reproducible manipulatives, an array of traditional songs, and more! Royalties donated to NAfME. 10767031 Book with reproducible manipulatives and songs . .34.99 Make a Note (What You Really Need to Know About Teaching Elementary Music)— Jessica Peresta. In this book, the author shares her own experiences and what she wishes someone had told her before she stepped into her first classroom. This outlines everything to expect from being a music teacher, from classroom management to the things they don't teach you in college. You will find camaraderie with other teachers as you see they are going through the same things as you - you are not alone! New and veteran teachers will be prepared to tackle any unexpected challenges with this wonderful resource! 11382362 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19.00 Managed to a Moment (Success in the Elementary Music Classroom)—Mari Schay. Here's a lifeline for anyone who's had a frustrating day, week, or month in the elementary music classroom. This insightful and affirming book makes managing your professional life easier, outlining strategies for all the details that make your classroom a successful learning environment. You'll learn ways to manage yourself and your workload; your relationships with colleagues, students, and families; and how to plan and deliver curriculum. A must for new and veteran teachers! 11104131 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39.95 The Mindful Music Classroom (Practical Strategies for Social-Emotional Learning) —Krista Hart. This informative entry-point resource views SEL through a musical lens, helping to identify and connect the most important competencies and skills with common musical concepts. The varied activities in this book encourage students to build self-awareness, become better teammates, navigate social situations, reduce performance anxiety, and so much more! Use the ideas and reproducible worksheets as written, or customize and develop your very own. This is an outstanding resource full of ready-to-go SEL lessons for music and ensemble classes! 11397529 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24.99 Music Curriculum Writing 101 (Assistance with Standards-Based Music Curriculum and Assessment Writing - Second Edition)—Denese Odegaard. This book takes you through the steps needed to create an effective music education curriculum and aligns with the 2014 national standards for music. A sequenced music curriculum is key; this book contains the blueprint and examples to help you build the right curriculum for your music program, demystifying the processes of developing a standards-based curriculum with related assessments of student learning. 11203498 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38.95 Music Education and Social Emotional Learning (The Heart of Teaching Music)— Scott N. Edgar. For every child to be successful in music class, teachers need to be aware of the whole student. This pioneering resource addresses how music educators can utilize social-emotional learning to maximize learning in the choral, instrumental, and general music classroom at all levels, while at the same time supporting students' social and emotional growth. 10822858 Paperback Book . . . . . . . . .22.95 10990684 Book Student Workbook with Digital Files . . . . . . . . .12.95 Music Mosaic (Exploring the Music of America Through Project-Based Learning) —Anna Wentlent. This collection teaches American popular music history through student-centered projects. Each of the 15 student centered lessons explores topics like tracing the culture of an ancestor to forming a student ukulele jam, or writing and recording a rap. Core music standards, teacher instructions, reproducible student sheets, and single-point assessment rubrics are included for each project. 11198363 Book & Online PDF . . . . . .34.99 11317076F Book Digital Download . . . .34.99 A Music Teacher's Gratitude Journal (Creative Prompts to Nurture Joy, Reduce Stress, and Reflect on Your Teaching)— Krista Hart. This journal invites music educators to focus on the positive aspects of being a teacher and musician. The flexible format allows for entries on your own schedule, and it will remind you of what's truly important and inspire positive change. Includes inspiring quotes, habit trackers, and simple yet insightful writing prompts that lead you to express appreciation, reflect on your teaching, and ignite the joy of making music. A perfect gift for every music educator! 11347563 Paperback Book . . . . . . . . .24.99 A Place in the Staff Finding Your Way as a Music Teacher Jen Rafferty. Teaching is a long journey of constant growth, but you've got what it takes to be the teacher you want to be. This book will give you tools to help navigate the challenges that come your way and will guide you through understanding your students and the school culture, explore music advocacy, share resources about getting equipment, and remind you to take care of yourself. The workbook sections provide spaces to brainstorm ideas and capture moments of inspiration. These will become helpful as you continue to find your way as a music teacher. This is an excellent resource for new teachers and an inspiring refresher for experienced veterans! 11361474 Paperback Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.99 Easy to Find and Get the Music You Want "The search engine on the J.W. Pepper site is so easy to work and find what you need. It lets you know what is in stock, so you can get it quickly—usually within a few days." —Dennis

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