J.W. Pepper Catalogs

2023-24 Fall General Music Catalog

J.W. Pepper Music Catalog

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1504288

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PLANNING & PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES ELEMENTARY PLANNING & CLASSROOM PREP Editors' Choice 2023 New Basic Library A Cappella ePrint Downloadable (MP3s, PDFs & more) All Prices in U.S. Dollars & Subject To Publisher Revision 112 Go to cart Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs (A Label-Free Approach)—Alice Hammel & Ryan Hourigan. This superb resource offers accounts of music educators' experiences, featured as vignettes throughout the book. It is a practical guide and reference manual addressing special needs in the broadest possible sense to equip teachers with proven, research-based curricular strategies that are grounded in both best practices and current special-education law. Chapters address the full range of topics and issues music educators face, including parental involvement, student anxiety, field trips and performances, and assessment strategies. The book concludes with a extensive list of resources. 10822859 Paperback Book Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.95 Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs (A Practical Resource)—Alice Hammel. This resource is a result of collaboration between K-12 teachers, outstanding undergraduate and graduate music education students, and professionals in the field and brings together theory, policy and planning for instruction in any music classroom. The lesson ideas, lesson plans, and unit plans are organized according to the six domains posited by Alice Hammel and Ryan Hourigan. This book equips music educators with understanding necessary to implement teaching ideas into the domains of cognition, communication, behavior, emotions, and physical and sensory needs. Classroom-tested lesson plans include procedure outlines and assessments as well as guides for adaptation, accommodation, and modification needed for successful implementation in K-12 classrooms and provides teachers with enough practical ideas to allow them to begin to create and adapt their own lesson plans for use with students of differing needs and abilities. 10822860 Paperback Book Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.95 Winding It Back (Teaching to Individual Differences in Music Classroom and Ensemble Settings)— ed. Alice M. Hammel, Roberta Y. Hickox & Ryan M. Hourigan. This is a collaborative effort written by practicing music educators, teacher educators, pedagogy experts, researchers, and inclusion enthusiasts. The framework of this text is centered on three core principles: honoring the individual learning needs of all students; providing multiple access points and learning levels; and providing adequate learning conditions for all students within the music classroom. Topics include early childhood music, creative movement, older beginners, rhythm, and tonal development as well as secondary choral and instrumental music. All chapters focus on meeting the needs of all students and all learning levels within the music classroom. 10592769 Paperback Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.95 SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS Understanding the individual learning needs of all students. For more resources go to jwpepper.com/special-needs-resources CURRICULUM PLANNING Check out our online subscriptions. See pages 4-8 for more information. \ Hal Leonard's Essential Elements Music Class (One-Year Subscription)—Various Contributors. 11415220 Subscription: Online Downloadable. . . . . . . . K-5 299.00 Music K-8, Vol. 34 (2023-2024) (The Resource Magazine for Elementary and Middle School Teachers) 11524482 Subscription: Print Magazines, CDs & Print Student Parts (1 year subscription - 5 issues) . . . . . . . . . . . K-8 144.95 11524483 Subscription: Download Download Only - PDF Mags w/ MP3 Audio Files & PDF Student Parts (1 year subscription - 5 issues) . . . . . . . . . . . K-8 129.95 11524484 Subscription: Combo Print & Download Subscription - PDF & Print Mags, MP3s & CD Audio, PDF & Print Student Parts (1 year subscription - 5 issues) . . . . . . . . . . . K-8 179.95 Musicplay Online with John Jacobson's Music Experience —Denise Gagne. 11388230 Subscription: Online Downloadable. . . . . . . PK-6 174.95

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