J.W. Pepper Catalogs

2023-24 Fall General Music Catalog

J.W. Pepper Music Catalog

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1504288

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Page 3 of 139

ELEMENTARY MUSICALS 2 The Music Teacher's Toolkit Outfit your classroom, cart, or remote setup! We make it easy to find the right resources for every educator. Shop classroom accessories at jwpepper.com/elementary Versatile, Accessible Instruments By playing as a group, students experience the joy of performance while gaining rhythmic skills and music literacy! Introduce them to guitars, ukuleles, recorders, Boomwhackers, Orff instruments, and more. Visual Aids Posters, banners, and bulletin boards brighten your space and help students learn! Decorate with appealing graphics that reinforce key concepts. Digital and Reproducible Resources Lesson planning is quick and convenient with hundreds of instantly available materials including music, activities, and digital subscriptions! Stretch your budget by using reproducible picks year after year.

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