J.W. Pepper Catalogs

2023-24 Fall General Music Catalog

J.W. Pepper Music Catalog

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1504288

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PERCUSSION & RHYTHM RESOURCES Editors' Choice 2023 New Basic Library Large Print Edition A Cappella ePrint Downloadable (MP3s, PDFs & more) All Prices in U.S. Dollars & Subject To Publisher Revision 74 Go to cart CLASSROOM INSTRUMENTS & METHODS Global Grooves—Will Schmid. This is another volume in the growing World Music Drumming library of teaching resources. Author, Will Schmid, collaborated with teachers from Indonesia, Egypt, Tanzania, Greece, Mexico, Hawaii, Germany, Argentina, Cameroon, Cuba, Antigua and the British Isles. These fun songs and drum ensembles make great additions to your global teaching resources and your performance repertoire. The collaborating teachers bring a wealth of experience and local culture to each lesson. The Teacher Book offers helpful lesson plans, drum ensembles and reproducible songsheets. The included CD-ROM has performance and instrumental- only tracks for each song, and over 45 PDF's of songsheets and accompaniment piano parts to project or print. 10463194 Reproducible Book & Enhanced CD . . . . . . . . .32.99 Hands to Hands (Hand Clapping Songs and Games from Around the World)—Aimee Curtis Pfitzner. Collected from music teachers from around the world, these hand-clapping games are filled with energy! Each song and clapping game is engraved with unique body percussion notation making it easy to learn. Formations, dance steps, and other special instructions are included with each song and game. Supplemental resources are available to purchasers including full-color visuals in PDF format and videos of several of the games. A fun and flexible resource! 10530903 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29.95 Hands to Hands, Too! (Hand Clapping Songs and Games from the USA and Canada) —Aimee Curtis Pfitzner. Fun and flexible for use in classes with limited space, this is a collection of high-energy and engaging games and activities that originated in Canada and the USA. These hand-clapping games are universal; some are familiar, and some are brand new. Each song and clapping game is engraved with unique body percussion notation, making it easy to prepare activities for students. Formations, dance steps, or other special instructions are included in each song and game. Purchasers of this collection will be able to request access to download full-color visuals and links to videos of children playing many of the games, as well as how-to videos from the composer. 10666576 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29.95 Instrument Fun for Everyone (Instrumental Play-Alongs for the Elementary Music Classroom)—Various Composers. This reproducible collection promotes unity through ensemble playing and teaches beginning music literacy with lively instrumental play-along activities. A wide variety of instrumentation is suggested, including drums, Boomwhackers, bells, and common classroom percussion instruments. Alternative options are given for those with limited resources. With colorful visuals that are both projectible and printable along with first-rate accompanying audio tracks, this is sure to be instrument fun for everyone! 11348861 Reproducible Book & Enhanced CD . . . . . . . . .27.95 11348991F Reproducible Book with MP3s Download . . . . .27.95 Just Jams—Mark Burrows. This collection takes fundamental rhythms from various countries and regions and builds engaging and accessible jams. These jams can be used to strengthen students' rhythm skills, in drum circles, or as a change of pace in a choir concert or other performance. Speech parts for each jam are included, allowing for a teaching process of speech to body percussion to playing, which are suggestioned for developing each jam into a performance piece. Diverse rhythms from West Africa, Brazil and Cuba are included, as are Gaelic, Hawaiian and Rock 'n' Roll rhythms, and even spoken word "slams" to Mother Goose rhymes to name just a few. Also diverse in instrumentation, this features jams for Orff, Boomwhackers, and sound effects in addition to those for drums and other nonpitched percussion instruments. 10042427 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26.95 Kalani's World Rhythms—Kalani Das. Energize your classroom with traditional world music! From the simplest of rhythm patterns to beautiful melodies and rich harmonies, there's a part to play for every student as they explore authentic songs and rhythms. Easy-to-play drumming arrangements place success and fun within reach of every student with Kalani as your guest instructor! Authentic techniques and rhythms for a range of drums and percussion instruments are demonstrated via downloadable video and audio recordings. PDF scores of each song provide piano and Orff instrument parts, and every song is suitable for ukuleles and other chordal instruments. Each song tells a story that can be used to prompt creative movement, foster teamwork and build character. Songs include: Baiana, Kakilambe, Moribayasa, Paranaue, Tambor and Zun Zun. 10766496 Book with online video, audio & PDF access. . . . . .49.99 KidStix (Rockin' Repertoire for Rhythm Readiness)—Artie Almeida. Get your students stuck on music with this creative compilation of ready-to-go repertoire. Includes three different Stick-Station playing experiences, eight Rhythm Readiness Exercises, ten Folk and Patriotic Song Play-Alongs, and 16 StickWorks scores, which are arrangements designed to play along with classical and popular works of music. Designed in full color and included on the CD for projection along with audio tracks, suggestions for creating and storing your StickStations, and great teaching tips! 10493549 Book & Enhanced CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54.95 Mixing It Up!—Sandy Lantz & Gretchen Wahlberg. This resource includes lessons integrating many mediums you can use in class! You'll find recorder, drums, ukulele, movement, and barred instruments integrated into the lessons. These songs offer hands-on activities, while differentiating instruction for varying ability levels. From beginning ukulele and recorder pieces to more challenging drum and mallet selections, the lesson plans also list musical concepts for each song. This book strives to use all your musical "stuff" with excellent Orff process lesson planning. In other words, this really mixes it up! 11425283 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29.95 Mostly Modal (Melodies with Movement and More!)—Karen Petty. This is a collection of original pieces for Orff ensembles. With sounds that are magical and magnetic to young students, this includes mostly modal, and a couple pentatonic pieces and one hexatonic piece to round out the collection. Teaching tips and Orff process ideas make these melodies very accessible. Most have an element of movement as well, including body percussion or an added dance within the teaching process itself. Several have aligned extensions for improvisation, composition and assessment. All of these pieces are child- friendly, tested and true, and they will charm and motivate your students! 11425284 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29.95 Multicultural Rhythm Stick Fun—Georgiana Stewart. Authentic folk tunes and songs from around the world set the stage for easy rhythm- stick activities. Available as a CD or a digital download. Routines are set to music from Vietnam, Puerto Rico, Russia, Japan, India, West Africa, China, Mexico, Israel, Greece, Germany, and more. 5604780 CD with Guide. . . . . . . . . . .15.95 11206637F Digital Resources MP3s with Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.00 Percussion Parade—Artie Almeida. Welcome to the wonderful world of non-pitched percussion! These instruments are affordable and accessible, students love them, and they are so good at introducing and reinforcing important concepts like beat competency, timbre, tempo, and dynamics. Bring the parade to your classroom and take advantage of tons of great new teaching ideas along with beautiful visual aids, helpful videos, and step-by-step instructions that make every lesson successful. Materials and recordings for lessons are available by digital download. 10865850 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49.95 Percussive Play—Roger Sams & Michael Vasquez. Percussive Play is the first supplement to the Purposeful Pathways core materials and utilizes the Purposeful Pathways model, integrating Orff-Schulwerk, Kodaly, and eurhythmics. It contains ten active music making lessons for the elementary music classroom. Electronic visuals are available for this book in three formats: PowerPoint, SMART Notebook, and Promethean ActivInspire. The printable manipulatives are available as PDF files. The electronic visuals and printable manipulatives are available to you for free with the purchase of this book. 10844143 Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39.95 Plan. Print. Play. My Library gathers the Pepper services you love under one umbrella. PROGRAM PLANNER

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