Lent/Easter Musicals


Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/194016

Contents of this Issue


Page 52 of 67

54 That's right. We've offended I AM by not loving and obeying Him. That's what it means to sin. SOLOMON: But maybe you've never even realized you're a sinner. J.T.: Well, I know I don't always do the right thing. SOLOMON: Because we are all sinners, either we are going to have to pay for our own sin, or we put our faith in Jesus, believing that He has paid for our sin. SERIOUS: 2 Corinthians 5:21, "Christ didn't have any sin. But God G made him become sin for us. So we can be made right with e wi God because of what Christ has done for us." or J.T.: (sincerely) I want that. I want to know a God who would do now wou that. CLAIRE: J.T., Jesus died on the cross for your sins, to take the oss or your your t punishment for your sins, so that you could know God … ins, yo coul not just know about Him in an app. im SOLOMON: That's right Claire, when we trust in Jesus we become His. laire, re, tr t We can talk to Him, and kno that He's always with us. know , k J.T.: Like His sheep! He watches over us and leads us as a Good is wat w Shepherd! epherd! re vi ew O nl y JOSH: rP (music begins to "I Am I AM") music I couldn't have said it better myself. He's the Good co dn't could Shepherd and so much more! Shep Shephe Fo SOLOMON: N: SONG: "I AM I AM"

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