Christmas Musicals for Church
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FOrEWOrd nl y The number seven holds great signi cance in scripture. Crea on took seven days; there are seven gi s of the Holy Spirit; the tabernacle was built in six days and dedicated on the seventh; and we o en associate Christ's passion with seven last words, or phrases. O en overlooked is the fact that the scriptures describe, in great detail, the events of the seven last days of Jesus' earthly existence. ew O Each one of those seven days is of par cular importance, though some were far more even ul than others. For the purpose of this work, the narra ve focuses on one event each day, and is followed by a choral re ec on on that event and its meaning. The source of this informa on is the NIV Applica on Commentary: Ma hew by Michael J. Wilkins and is reprinted on the opposite page for reference. rP re vi This musical journey, The Seven Last Days, is wri en with the busy vol unteer choir in mind and is designed to accommodate both SATB and SAB groups. SAB choirs should eliminate the cue sized notes in the men's parts, which some mes appear in the tenor, and some mes in the bass line. The narra on uses prose and scripture to describe the events of each of the seven days leading up to Easter, and can be done by one, two or several narrators. The op onal instrumental parts for ute, oboe, violin and cello may be used in any combina on. Fo The Seven Last Days is a 30 minute work and is designed as a Tenebrae, to be used any me during Holy Week or the Lenten season. Ligh ng seven candles during the opening narra on and ex nguishing one a er the conclusion of each of the seven sec ons can greatly enhance the worship experience. The congrega on should exit in silence a er the nal choral se ng of "Were You There," and the last candle has been ex nguished. – Joel Raney