Lent/Easter Musicals


Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/205737

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Page 33 of 76

33 Narration 3 (Female) The shouts of the jubilant witnesses in Jerusalem were heard as battle cries by the religious leaders. Always critical of Jesus, they viewed Him as their enemy and now plotted to kill Him. Judas Iscariot was one of the "twelve chosen witnesses" whom Jesus had first called into discipleship. But now, even Judas joined the plot to kill Jesus, agreeing to betray Him in exchange for thirty pieces of silver. nl y Narrator: O The religious leaders arrested Jesus and led Him to the high priest, Caiaphas. Many false witnesses came forward, but their testimonies did not agree. Jesus remained silent throughout the proceedings. Finally, Caiaphas spoke to Him. "Why do You say nothing to these testimonies? Are You the Christ, the Son of God?" Narrator: Finally Jesus spoke. Jesus: "I am. And soon you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power of God and coming with the clouds of heaven." vi Then Caiaphas tore his clothes and exclaimed to the crowd: "We have no further need of witnesses! You have heard His blasphemy! What is your decision?" Fo Caiaphas: rP re Narrator: Narrator: 55/1169&71L-33 ew Caiaphas: The crowd condemned Jesus to death. (Matthew 26:57-66)

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