Lent/Easter Musicals

Sanctuary by Joseph M. Martin

Christmas Musicals for Church

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49 NARRATION: After the Passover meal, Jesus took sanctuary in a garden on the Mount of Olives, called Gethsemane. He had often come to this place to pray, and, as He knelt beneath a canopy of trees, He felt deep anguish in His spirit. As deep shadows began to fall, three times He prayed to His Father, "Let this cup pass by Me." And three times He cried, "Thy will be done." His heart was in despair, so God se nt an angel who comforted and ministered to Him. By His example, Jesus in the garden taught us to take refuge in the sanctuary of prayer. It is in that chapel of hope and light that we are able to find peace in the midst of life's challenges. It is in these quiet moments of reflection that we may feel the winds of God's Spirit moving in our midnight gardens, refreshing us with perfect grace. SANCTUARY - SATB For Preview Only

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