Lent/Easter Musicals

Sanctuary by Joseph M. Martin

Christmas Musicals for Church

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Page 64 of 88

64 NARRATION: Jesus was arrested and tried for treason before a Roman governor. Encouraged by an angry mob, Pilate ordered that Christ be beaten, and then delivered over to be executed by crucifixion. He was taken to a mountaintop where He was hung on a cross. This fulfilled the scripture that promised, "If I be lifted up, I will draw people everywhere to My side." (John 12:32, paraphrased) As the skies darkened, Jesus whispered, "It is f inished," and took upon His wounded heart the sins of the world. His cross has become a hiding place for a desperate world. It is a tower of strength to the weak and a sanctuary of grace for the lost. In the sheltering embrace of His perfect love, the seeker at last finds home. SANCTUARY - SATB For Preview Only

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