J.W. Pepper Catalogs

2015 Spring Worship

J.W. Pepper Music Catalog

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/436580

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ORDER A FREE Starter Ki Onlin No matter the size of your group, pepper fuNdraisiNg is the most flexible solutioN to help you meet your fuNdraisiNg goals. earN 40% - 45% profit sell high-quality products and earn a percentage from each sale. No up-froNt Costs or order miNimums With no out-of-pocket expenses or order minimums to reach, pepper fundraising is a risk-free fundraising solution. orders arrive sorted aNd paCkaged by seller fewer volunteers are needed – orders arrive sorted and packaged for each seller so it's easy to distribute orders. mix aNd matCh broChures We offer predesigned brochures with hundreds of high-quality items you can mix and match as you see fit. the pepper guaraNtee All products are 100% guaranteed • No hassles or time limits • Always full credit or exchange Learn more about the fundraising items we offer. pepperfundraising.com or call 1-866-940-8748 40-45 Prot % Start raising money for miions, community outreach, and anything else your church nds. 2

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