New Christmas Musicals

Go, Sing it on the Mountain by P. Choplin

Christmas Musicals for Church

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Rehearsal and Performance Notes from the Composer Rise, O People and Bring Good News – p. 4 This is a Sacred Harp tune which was originally sung with a lot of power and spirit. In m. 27, write "hearty" and sing with body. Narrators, begin here with a warm, comforting tone and crescendo gradually. Speak the text slowly so listeners can grasp its message. I've designated two narrators, but you may use just one. • M. 28, 32 – Write "oo" above news and you. Round the lips for a pretty tone. • M. 47 – Circle comfort; this stanza reassures the listeners. • M. 61 – Write "sparkle." • M. 67 – Write "caring," as the mood shifts again. This is a warm, beautiful text straight from scripture. • M. 88 – Write "open the gate!" and welcome the Savior. Sing with an expanded chest and plenty of space in the jaw and throat. Try rehearsing it with everyone showing their biceps—it works! • M. 106 – Write "drop the jaw" and feel the roundness of the final tones. A Child Is Gonna Come – p. 13 Here, we connect with the sense of Israel's yearning for the Messiah. The text begins with inward pain and gradually brightens into hopeful celebration. In many places, it will be helpful to write in the final consonants to be sung on the rests: "mih, dih," etc. • M. 5-6 – Underline the words troublin' and strugglin', and sing towards them. Repeat this in similar places. • M. 9 – Circle the tenuto marks and emphasize each syllable to add to the anguish of the text. • M. 12 – Put an arch above come for a round vowel, then write "mih" at the rest. • M. 14 – Circle Son and lean on the B-flat. • M. 15 – Write "nih" on the rest. • M. 16 – Circle each rejoice and put a little "flash" on the eighths. • M. 20 – Write "strong." Sing with a strong, soulful tone within the mp dynamic. • M. 24 – Circle encouraged and follow the mood. Put a little bounce in the eighths in m. 25. • M. 35 – Write "get ready" and swell to the celebration. • M. 37 – Sopranos and tenors, write "soar!" Altos and basses, hold your own! • M. 45 – Write "contest" and see which section can sing its part with the most expression. • M. 58 – Write "arrive" and feel the moment. Call His Name Jesus – p. 23 What a beautiful folk melody! Enjoy the rising and falling of the phrases and use that motion to communicate the text. Altos may need to mark their larger skips of the fourth. • M. 17 – Write "raise brows" and feel the tone in the head. • M. 24 – Write "majesty" and add pomp to the higher notes in this section. • M. 49 – Basses, mark the skip to beat 3. • M. 64 – Write "intimacy." • M. 71 – Draw a line from sleep and write the consonant "p" at the barline. • M. 76 – Write "echo" for the final utterance of the name. 90 65/2073&74L-90 For Preview Only

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