J.W. Pepper Catalogs

2016 Fall Orchestra

J.W. Pepper Music Catalog

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/712272

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To All Lovers of Song and Music, In 1876, while working as an engraver in his father's Philadelphia print shop, James Welsh Pepper was inspired to combine his affinity for teaching music with the family business. His deep love and knowledge of music, combined with business savvy and a strong work ethic helped Pepper to build what would become the world's leading sheet music retailer. e story could have ended in 1941 when, aer years of decline, the company found itself on the auction block. Instead, Harold Burtch, driven by his love for music, led a small group of investors on a mission to save the "grand company." Since then, the Burtch family has kept the dream alive, holding true to the very spirit that inspired James Welsh Pepper 70 years before. To the casual observer, these events may simply look like notes on a page of American music history. Play them out, however, and they sound more like a symphony written to honor the very love of music that unites us all—two families, one company—built on an unmatched passion for service and excellence. ank you for joining us in celebration of our first 140 years on a stage well set for the next 140. Sincerely, Glenn Burtch And the staff of J.W. Pepper C E L E B R A T I N G 1 4 0 Y E A R S T H E M U S I C L I V E S O N jwpepper.com/since1876

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