NO. SHERLOCK and KIDS: Herod!!! LIBRARIAN: Oh . . . right, right, right. So, what can I do for his Royal Craziness?
SHERLOCK: Well, I'm investigating the birth of a Child that took place here in Bethlehem.
LIBRARIAN: Which one? There are a lot of children born in Bethlehem. SHERLOCK: Yes, but this was a Child that was supposed to be the King of the Jews.
LIBRARIAN: Oh, yeah. I remember that. There was an article in the Bethlehem Star a couple of years ago about that. Why don't we step over to the computer lab and search for it?
SHERLOCK: (Loudly) OK! Now we're talking. LIBRARIAN: Shhhhhhh. Lower! SHERLOCK: (whispering in his bass voice) OK. LIBRARIAN: OK, here's the article.
SHERLOCK: (Reading from the article) And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night. Wow! Can you send me this article?
LIBRARIAN: Of course: you want me to e-mail and fax it, too? SHERLOCK: Just the fax, ma'am. Hey, how DID the shepherds find out about this Child? LIBRARIAN: Elementary, my dear Watson.
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