Lent/Easter Musicals

The Tomb is Empty Now

Christmas Musicals for Church

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"It's Easter and Jesus has risen! All that the cross was supposed to accomplish has been completed, and we can rejoice as children of the resurrection; as believers who have been given purpose and power in knowing the living, risen Christ!" oel Lindsey's new song, "Let All the World Sing," opens the curtain on this triumphant new musical for Easter, THE TOMB IS EMPTY NOW! Craed by the unparalleled creative team of multiple Dove-Award winning songwriter Joel Lindsey and celebrated arranger Cliff Duren, THE TOMB IS EMPTY NOW portrays the Passion of the Christ through a stunning array of celebratory and thought-provoking songs, songs of deeply-felt pain and sorrow, and songs of great rejoicing. Following "Let All the World Sing," our new musical takes us to Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem…The questions lay heavy in the air…"Who is this Man? How could He call Himself the Son of God?" But in spite of all the questions, Jesus' ride into the city was met with crowds joyous and triumphant going before Him, palm branches waving. Surely this Man was Who He said He was! Next, we are taken to the cross of His suffering… standing beneath the cross of Calvary, those who knew Him best and loved Him most stood horrified among the crowd that cried for His death. It's hard to conceive how Mary Magdalene, John, and Jesus' mother Mary felt, but their hearts had to be breaking. All they could do was stand and watch and pray. Listen as Mary Magdalene, John, and His mother, Mary, take us to the cross as they each sing their own very personalized versions of the old refrain… "Were you there when they crucified my Friend…my Lord…my Son…" From the cross came three words—"I love you"—said in oh, so many ways, but never quite as poignantly as when spoken with the sound of hammer and nails… The love Jesus displayed on the cross and the death He died there isn't the end of the story. Somewhere in the night the LAMB of the cross became the LORD of an EMPTY TOMB! And now, centuries later, we live because He lives! Every prodigal child has a home, every disease- ridden saint has the hope of healing, every lonely outcast can find redemption… because Jesus died and was laid in a tomb, and that tomb… is EMPTY NOW! 0 80689 56217 4 THE TOMB IS EMPTY NOW Lindsey, Duren / Duren SATB www.wordmusic.com LET ALL THE WORLD SING CROWN HIM WORSHIP MEDLEY (CROWN HIM WITH MANY CROWNS, THIS IS AMAZING GRACE, STRONGER) HANDS IN THE AIR I WAS THERE WITH AT CALVARY I LOVE YOU FROM AN OLD RUGGED CROSS WITH O HOW HE LOVES YOU AND ME HE WHO WAS DEAD WHERE THE NAILS WERE THE TOMB IS EMPTY NOW LET ALL THE WORLD SING (REPRISE) J For Preview Only

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