New Christmas Musicals

Song Heard Round the World by Joseph M. Martin

Christmas Musicals for Church

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THE SONG HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD - SATB 68 NARRATOR: The angels declared the birth of the Christ Child with heavenly power. Yet, it was not to the powerful that the message was gifted. The divine declaration was delivered to simple shepherds keeping watch over flocks in the Judean countryside. It was clear from this graceful gesture that this good news was for every person and every nation. Such magnificent words the angels spoke that night; beautiful words of worship and adoration. And shining brightly in their soaring anthem of praise were the cherished words that we still cling to today: "PEACE ON EARTH." Such hope and promise these words awaken in us. Why do the nations so furiously rage against one another when, in truth, we are all children of the Light and one people in the promise? Let us then, as one, follow the shepherds to Bethlehem to worship the newborn PRINCE OF PEACE. Together, let us rejoice, for Christ, the Lord, is born! For Preview Only

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