Lent/Easter Musicals

The Lamb

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/897889

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Page 11 of 91

14 Who can fathom immeasurable love? 
A Savior walking steadfastly toward death. Who can fathom mercy so tender? A Savior bridging the divide between us and our estrangement from the Father. Who can fathom a gift, so undeserved, so overwhelming?
 A doorway made out of that which was once death! Oh, see how the hour of Christ's glory comes! He has come to create a doorway from a cross. He will eclipse the sorrow of our fallen world. The Father has longed to reclaim us and so the Son has chosen this path. Those who have been living with the mystery of the incarnation now see His purpose. It has become painfully clear. He will take our sin into Himself. Death itself—will die.
 Hope will be reborn. It will take a sacrifice—a perfect sacrifice.
 It will take a Lamb.
 For one brief moment in time, the empty tomb meant nothing more to Jesus' followers than a robbed grave. Their Messiah had died. They'd seen it. Mary had seen it. She, the woman out of whom Jesus cast seven demons, she, who loved her Lord so fiercely, who never left His side, now stood at that empty tomb. Her Savior, her Friend was not there. She would never hear Him say her name again. Jesus' disciples, Peter and John had come—but they'd left just as quickly. Not Mary. Mary stood there—weeping. Dawn had not yet broken on the world—nor had it yet broken on her heart. But then, she heard it. Her name! Her name! It was Him! And He was saying her name and suddenly, the empty tomb was so much more. Dawn had come and Jesus was alive! This is how we know what love is, He came and laid down His life for us. 55/1192&93MD - 14 For Preview Only

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