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15 THEO:
Oh no, these things aren't lost. These things have helped LOST people become FOUND. Full armor of God… Keys to the Kingdom… Mustard seeds… any of this sounding familiar?
Not really…
(Moves – while making own sound effects – and holds out compass. MORRIS looks suspiciously at ARMOR. He notices compass.)
MORRIS: What's this? THEO:
This is very special. It's a sun-powered compass. Listen!
It chimes! CUE COMPASS S.E. (S.E. TEAM)
Sun-powered compass? Mister, I hate to tell you this… but compasses work with magnetism, not the sun.
Interesting observation. Now here's our most special treasure. (THEO points to life-size Bible.)
Is that a really big Bible?
Exactly. This book has helped more people become found than anything else we have!
MORRIS: No offense, Mr. Theo, but I don't think these stories have anything to do with me. I like to go my own way. Solve my own problems.
MORRIS: MORRIS: ARMOR: And that's working out well for you?
(Shakes head in a slow "NO" while making sound effect, freezing instantly when MORRIS turns to look.)
I guess.
Morris, why don't you give me your schedule, and wait here. way.
I'll go check with the office and help you find your
Okay, thanks. (THEO exits. MORRIS knocks on ARMOR.) CUE METAL KNOCKING S.E. (S.E. TEAM)
Lost and Found. Cool room. (He takes red cape and puts it on. He picks up sword.) I challenge you to a duel!
(Moves, making own sound effect, and holds out compass.)