Lent/Easter Musicals

Land of the Lost and Found by Kim Ingram, Joe Milton and Heather Olson

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/95467

Contents of this Issue


Page 33 of 75

For Preview Only 33 CALEB: Where is your shepherd? SHEEP: CALEB: SHEEP: CALEB: (shrugs) Baaah? Poor little fella. How are you feeling? (pouts or gives thumbs down) Baaaad. 9 / 27 Yes, it feels very scary to be lost. CUE PHARISEE ENTRANCE MUSIC TOUR GUIDE: Here come the Pharisees! PHARISEE 1: Think! PHARISEE 2: Grumble, grumble! PHARISEE 3: Judge! (PHARISEES notice SHEEP.) PHARISEES: STOP! PHARISEE 1: What is this dirty little animal doing in our nice clean town? CALEB: He's lost! PHARISEE 2: Well, he needs to get lost somewhere else! PHARISEE 3: All that fur gives us allergies! (As a group, PHARISEES take out hankies and accidentally sneeze on sheep.) ALL PHARISEES: Achoo! Shoo, sheep! Achoo! SHEEP: CALEB: (Avoids sneeze.) Blaaaah! (exits) Awww… poor sheep! PHARISEE 1: (as they march off to exit) Sheep! PHARISEE 2: Grumble, grumble. PHARISEE 3: Shoo! ALL PHARISEES: Achoo! (PHARISEES exit. MORRIS runs in, out of breath.) CALEB: Morris! You made it! THEO: Where are the bulls? MORRIS: CALEB: MORRIS: I lost 'em in a china shop. CUE COMPASS S.E. (S.E. TEAM) Listen! It's that ringing noise again! The compass is pointing somewhere else! Let me see! (MORRIS takes compass.)

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