Lent/Easter Musicals

Canticle of the Cross by Joseph M. Martin

Christmas Musicals for Church

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B 45 4 O On nl lyy W J NARRATION: vi ew He had been a Carpenter. Wood and nails had been His trade. Now, He gazed upon the wooden cross before Him, and for a moment He remembered a gentler time. Fo F orr Pr P re Then soldiers laid the heavy beams of the cross upon His shoulders, and at the crack of the whip, the condemned Carpenter began to walk the winding road up to the place of the skull. With each step He took, the cruel timbers beat out a rhythm of death and despair upon that stony path. The song of the cross began to moan like a dirge as the cries of a violent mob filled the air with the music of grief and sorrow. The Carpenter fell beneath the cross. CANTICLE OF THE CROSS - SATB A

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