New Christmas Musicals

The Sailor's Bible by Tom S. Long and Allen Pote complete

Christmas Musicals for Church

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58 STORYTELLER 5: God heard Jonah's prayer and commanded the great fish to release the prophet. (A CAST MEMBER enters from stage right holding a sign that reads"Exit to Mouth" with an arrow pointing stage right. JONAH follows the CAST MEMBER off stage right. The entire CAST leans toward stage right as though watching JONAH offstage.) STORYTELLER 6: And with that, the fish spit Jonah up onto the beach. STORYTELLER 5: (to audience) Trust me. You don't want to see this. (We hear the recorded sound of a giant retch followed by a "pop." The CAST looks up suddenly as though seeing JONAH flying high in the air offstage right. Next, there is a whistling sound of something falling and the CAST MEMBERS slowly move their focus from a high point to the ground.) JONAH: (yelling from offstage, as though flying through the air) Ahhh! (Following JONAH'S scream, the whistling noise ends in a series of large thumps, and JONAH shouts out comically with each thump.) ALL: (still looking in the direction JONAH exited) Ewwww. (JONAH reenters, groaning and rubbing his backside as though he landed on it.) JONAH: All I gotta say is the hard part of the story better be over. What's next? STORYTELLER 6: And God said: ALL: (pointing at JONAH) "Go to the city of Nineveh!" (Once again JONAH is startled.) JONAH: Gee, you ask so nicely. How can I say no? (The CAST MEMBER with the "To Nineveh" sign enters again from stage left and stands.) STORYTELLER 5: So this time, Jonah obeyed the Lord and headed to the great city. STORYTELLER 6: But even though God had saved Jonah—Jonah still didn't want God to save the people of Nineveh. JONAH: I'm telling you—they're really, really nasty. (JONAH exits left following the CAST MEMBER with the "To Nineveh" sign. The other CAST MEMBERS move downstage and turn their backs to the audience to put on sunglasses.) For Preview Only

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