Lent/Easter Musicals

The Passion and the Promise by Mark Hayes and Lloyd Larson

Christmas Musicals for Church

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& b 4 3 ˙ œ Al - le - CONGREGATION œ œ œ lu - ia! ˙ œ Sing to œ œ œ Je - sus! ˙ œ His the & b ˙ œ scep - ter, œ œ œ His the ˙ Œ throne! ˙ œ Al - le - œ œ œ lu - ia! ˙ œ His the & b œ œ œ tri - umph, ˙ œ His the ˙ œ vic - to - œ œ œ ry a - ˙ Œ lone! ˙ œ Hark! the & b œ œ œ songs of ˙ œ peace - ful œ œ œ Zi - on ˙ œ thun - der œ œ œ like a & b œ œ œ might - y ˙ Œ flood. œ œ œ Je - sus, œ œ œ out of œ œ œ ev - 'ry & b œ œ œ œ œ na - tion ˙ œ has re - œ œ œ deemed us ˙ œ by His . ˙ blood. 55 Tune: HYFRYDOL by ROWLAND H. PRICHARD (1811–1887) Arranged by MARK HAYES (ASCAP) © 2014 ALFRED MUSIC All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. Words by WILLIAM CHATTERTON DIX (1837–1898) The publisher hereby grants non-transferable permission to reprint the material on this page for the purpose of congregational participation. The music must be reproduced with the title and all credits including the copyright notice. ALLELUIA! SING TO JESUS 44107 For Preview Only

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