Lent/Easter Musicals

The Passion and the Promise by Mark Hayes and Lloyd Larson

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: http://read.jwpepper.com/i/416457

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Page 50 of 52

& b b 4 4 œ 3. 2. 1. All The To CONGREGATION œ œ œ œ glo - com - You, ry, pa - be - laud ny fore and of Your ˙ œ œ hon - an - pas - or gels sion, to are we œ œ œ œ You, prais - sing Re - ing a deem - You hymn er, on of & b b . ˙ œ King, high. praise. to Cre - To œ œ œ œ whom a - You, the tion the lips and high of all ex - ˙ œ œ chil - mor - alt - dren tals ed, in their our œ œ œ œ cho - sweet mel - ho - rus o - san - make dy nas re - we & b b . ˙ œ ring. ply. raise. You We O œ œ œ œ are of - bless - the fer ed King up Son of our of œ œ œ œ Is - an - Da - ra - el, thems vid, and to ac - œ œ œ œ Da - wel - cept vid's come the roy - You praise we this al & b b . ˙ œ Son; day; bring; now and our œ œ œ œ in wave Sav - the the ior Lord's palms and name be - Re - œ œ œ œ com - fore deem - ing, You er, our as our œ œ œ œ King You long - and pass a - bless - by wait - ed our ed . ˙ One! way. King! 53 Tune: ST. THEODULPH by MELCHIOR TESCHNER (1584–1635) Arranged by LLOYD LARSON (ASCAP) © 2014 ALFRED MUSIC All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. Words by THEODULPH OF ORLEANS (750–821) tr. JOHN MASON NEALE (1818–1866) The publisher hereby grants non-transferable permission to reprint the material on this page for the purpose of congregational participation. The music must be reproduced with the title and all credits including the copyright notice. ALL GLORY, LAUD AND HONOR 44107 For Preview Only

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