New Christmas Musicals

The Silence and the Sound

Christmas Musicals for Church

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54 THE SILENCE AND THE SOUND - SATB NARRATOR 1: Perhaps the most beautiful Christmas phrase ever penned came from the prophet Isaiah, who would never see the Messiah of whom he wrote: "For unto us, a Child is born; unto us a Son is given." NARRATOR 2: Unto us. The Messiah wasn't sent to deliver those who were perfect. He didn't come to save the righteous. For there is none who are righteous, not one of us. NARRATOR 1: It was our brokenness that touched heaven's heart; it was our neediness that moved the hand of God. Unto us. NARRATOR 2: Unto people crippled by life. Unto those who have lost hope. Unto the ones who see themselves as damaged. NARRATOR 1: Unto those who work hard, yet still struggle to make ends meet. Unto the people who fail the same test again and again. Unto those who hurt. NARRATOR 2: Unto those who are paralyzed by their past. (BEGIN INTRODUCTION TO "UNTO US") Whether we realize it or not, none of us are without the need of a Savior. NARRATOR 1: We are the broken ones. And so, unto us, a Child is born. NARRATOR 2: Unto us, a Son is given. (PIANO UNDERSCORE BEGINS)

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