Lent/Easter Musicals

The Hallel

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1182432

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INSIDE FRONT COVER The Hallel is the name given to the group of Psalms 113-118. They are largely psalms of praise and are deeply rooted in our Judeo- Christian heritage. In the Old Testament, these psalms were typically chanted or sung during the major Jewish festivals. They were often recited or sung in worship and also used in the homes of Jewish families, particularly at the feast of Passover. In the New Testament, there is no reason to believe that this practice did not continue with the early followers of Christ. The Hallel may, in fact, have been the very hymn that Jesus and His disciples sang together at the conclusion of the Passover meal as Scripture indicates. Today, these psalms continue to be a regular part of both Jewish and Christian worship. They celebrate the majesty and sover- eignty of God. They recall the Exodus journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. They underscore God's bountiful goodness and faithfulness for His children. The Messianic overtones foretell the coming of Jesus, and they provide a dramatic vehicle for praising the living and eternal Creator. As I have crafted the six movements of this work, I have been moved by the power of the message of God's Word in the texts. They are honest and transparent reflections of Israel's journey and of the presence of God's Spirit in that journey. They are filled with an optimism and hope that, even in the most difficult of circumstances, God has promised to be present and to guide. As a result, these words are not just words for ancient Israel, but they are words for us today as we claim the promises of God in our own journeys of life and faith. ❝ ❞ Lloyd Larson For Preview Only

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